Monday, March 9, 2015

MS CRM Security Roles to Excel export

Hi guys,

I am working on a tool to export CRM security roles to an Excel workbook for documentation purposes. The tool is in alpha stage. Right now its working with CRM 2013 and 2011 On Premises with Active Directory Authentication only. Will soon be implementing authentication for Online, Claims and O365.

Any suggestions/comments are welcome. The code plex link is provided here.


I have added support for other authentication modes as well. Now it should work with IFD/AD on OnPremise and Office365/Live authentication in Online. The tool will also work with CRM 2015, but all the privileges may not be exported. Please let me know if you face any issue.

[update 11/12/2015]
Replace Office interop with OpenXML. Fixed other bugs.



  1. Excellent tool! You saved my couple of hours today.

  2. Hey John, thank you for a great tool. Any chance you are porting it to .NET 4.6 to make it work against v9.0 Online instances? I could help if you are interested. Cheers!
